Dutch Driving Exam - How i passed my Driving exam in first try - Dutch CBR - Tips and Tricks - Rijbewijs Halen

You can do it as well  !!! 

Hi Candidates.

Update :  Before you choose a Driving Course you may wish to check their Scores.

here is the link for it go search for the area you are living in than you are good to go Slaging Percentages

 The most important and useful tip was your Exam time. !!! indeed !!! This changes it all. the exam time is booked for 10:45 . ( lekker rustig ) i couldn't pick a beter time.

My Tussentoets exam ( the mid exam ) was 08:00 in the morning as well. and i couldn't make my Examinator happy with my drive ( 3 months ago ) now i just passed my very first official practical Exam and  i passed it in very 1st time.

i could say that  on the half way  i made it. Because the traffic and everything was working for me to make it safe and  smoothly.

i can say that nearly no Bicyle riders around the Roundabout ( Rotonde ) so you can tell that most good times are already booked in advance but i took my time and wait an extra month to pick this exact date and time!!!

 2) important is your Examinator. this person can give u the energy that you will  make it.
Cos my Tussentoets examinator was not so pleased person at all. he could not even tell that i made it or not..  he was in doubth … My Cbr website said i passed it but he told my instructor he was not pleased… so this made me confused…

well , Examinator already know that you are a beginner ( at least in Holland ) driver and you are nervous. before  staring to exam  he told me two very important things . Special maneuvers ( take your time and do not hurry ) and  2nd is make sure you adjust your speed due to the road .... So you must definitely know where you are and you must definitely know what the Traffic Board  means !!

 For example You start with 30 km/h than you  enter the city and you know and immediately change the gear.  And make it 50 km/hr you can't  keep drive with 40km hour  so speed up to 50 km /H.

 you know it is 60km road than you reach this limit immediately than you are on 80km road than you reach this limit asap and  hold your speed there ... so Examinator satisfied that you know where you are... You are on Highway ( Snelweg ) than you know it is 130 km road and you can't just drive 100 km in the rightmost lane.. you  must show your takeover skills. and make sure keep the right distance possible. so 130km road 71.5 metres distance or 100 km/h so it is 55 km distance but you can consider that  50 metres inbetween 2 hectometer post . if you do not keep distance so you are easily failed.

Merge : ( joining to Highway or Autoweg /100km road )  Definitely make good speed , good look good and indicate  in right time  and join the road and hold your distance.. make sure check the middle lane if any car can change  it is own lane to right so do not drive in it’s blindspot. That's preety dangerous do !

Accelaration or in deceleraton that you know what you are doing and changing your gear  up or down... and you just dont stop there the traffic must flow… in deceleration the recommended speed might be around 55 - 60km/hr from an exit from an Autoweg or Snelweg ( Highway ) ( it may depends due to Curves Sharpness )

zijkants ( side roads in the city ) binnende bebouwde that you know you have equal conditions ,  it is 30 km road so always little slowdown near to the each intersections so Examinator observes that you know where you are and you know who has got the proirity.... so you know the rules... There was a Trick he didn't try on me , this one was the '  turn First possible left '  or  ' turn first possible right ' trick, ( the first ones here are No drive in Roads ) No vehicle sign  , But i told u already  that i felt in the middle of way he was pleased from my drive ( i am not trying to say that i drive so good but it was the impression that i received  from him )

 4) Make sure you speak your intructor to go with you and speak him to keep talk to Examinator. in this moment you will only focus  your drive and to road to Far further looking and scanning , baords, bicycle riders , pedestrians and changing lanes … so it does help a lot...

5) Approaching to Roundabouts... ... sometime you go straight away and you are most right and nobody will disturb you you may go with Speed 3 ( gear / shift 3 ) but dont. Always shift down to 2!!! whatever happens it will ensure that your car wont lose the control because each Roundabout is curvy... you are not yet a Skilled Driver... Ensure that you do this always and remember before each roundabout mostly there is a  Bicyle can pass from this road so you need to scan this road widely ( breed kijken ) and Examinator must see this on you and also wheneer you see a Zebrapad anytime inside of city so make sure slowdown and let pedestrian pass the road... Remember that Green is Green in some intersections there is Red light for Bicyle riders so do not stop for them you have the priority...

5b) Drive in Most right lane inside of the City. There are two lanes for turning right so pick most right and do not block the other one if it is really not necessary to do.

6) Stop board. if there is a stop board in somwehere whatever happens ( Even Road is seemed clear to drive )  Stop there and wait 3 seconds... mostly stop boards are stated in most common place where car accident happen !!!

7) Navigation.. Examinator remind me that you can adjust the Navi on your mother language but i said it will take a lot of time so leave it... if it is in dutch so in Roundabout eerste afslag is you go right, 2 'de afslaag is you go straight and 3de afslag is you turn left... so simple...  Study Turbo Roundabouts… you may confuse but when you study u r just fine..

Big Navigation tip is  never try to look Navigation arrows adn display.. just  Listen !!!!... ( Credits to :  streetwize youtube thanks Sebastian ) 

on  the Highway you need to go 6km till  the exit so just make the max speed and go min middle lane or left lane and go back middle when it is most possible... Show your skills and about 1.5 km make your lane change and do not miss your exit. İf you do exit it is okay, Navigation will give you another Route so you do not worry… nobody fails to cant proceed navigation exits…  and Remember that on the Highway  you see the 3 green led boards above of you means you go back to 100km hr max speed limit... so you know the electronic boards meaning as well..

8) Tussentijdse Toets or  name it  ' mid exam ' ... When you pass this exam you just drive. So simple. you just go... and if you fail to parking and whatever it does not count so you just pass your drive test. So simple. So i recommend to everyone else to do it... So you have so much chance to pass your Practical Test in once!!!

9 ) Examinator directives... He or she tells you to turn left or right whatever.. So easy. Make sure you know the rule.. look your inside mirror and if you ll turn right so right mirror and over your shoulder than indicate  or left so do it with other mirror. same for overtake.. make sure you do this... Examinator check your eyes if you seriously look or not.. Same for Deceleration ... you exit the road in first Dashed line not later that ensures there ist no police car or a motorbike in your Blindspot  ( dodehoek ) and make sure you look over your shouler good when you decelerate or merge to the the road...

9 b ) No Right overtake ! only in some conditions you can overtake in right side. this is during Traffic jam or Roundabout  or when this Block markings available to Deceleration road you can.  otherwise You can not   overtake from right side in a 100km road ( autoweg )  or Carriage way No RECHTS INHALEN !  this is dangerous and forbidden

10 ) Doorstroming... ( Flow ) or in ENglish that traffic must keep flow... you just do not stuck in one point to turn in intersection ... you turn right so you do not slowdown more than possible.. you have priority so use your priority... 

 11 ) special Manevrous…  u turn, backside in the bend drive, parking ,  Turn in 3 times…   Examinator asked me front parking and turn in 3 times.

12a )  use your hand gestures to thank people. when people let you proceed in narrowing so just thank them or let them proceed you receive  it back...

12b ) Proceding and Scanning traffic lights  when it is green and when you have priority... Traffic lights and T splitsings, when you approach them make sure SCAN all the road if someone looks like crossing through the led light or their Sharkteeth !.  Safety is no1 priority so make sure you scan when you  pass each traffic lights and junctions.

13 ) Mileu… When you approach to Traffic light use Clutch and roll the car there.. dont stop and accelerate. And whenever you are stopping in Traffic light make sure check your inside mirror anyone can try to hit your car perhaps cant stop so you keep distance infront and if you see the driver in mirror comes to fast so roll your car more front so you make him stop and give him 1 extra metres which means your car and his car in safe so no headache..

And you approach to traffic light and the light changes from Red / Yellow  to green so make sure make you move with Speed 2 ( shift 2 )  not with Shift 1  so Examinator sees that you consider milieu and Flowing… Some traffic lights  may have so short times  so it means other drivers behind of you will be happy as well..

14 ) examinator is not talking. İt means you just keep go ahead… and if you are inside of city , look so further and perhaps in the end of the road you see that right Street is no through road so you do indicate to other road in left   than you have got an another bonus point !  you look further ( inzicht ) / insight !!! but this Works with Training the  Exam route… The examinator picked me an another route than i expected but in time you see the short clips and you make your movie with it. That is what my instructor was keep telling me… make your movie with it..

15 ) Drive an hour before the Exam.. it is makes you feel beter to drive little before…  and  intstructor motivates you and tells you a few extra trick… So start your drive good, and relax when starts good so it will mostly goes good

16 ) Train enough.  When you drive enough than you already think you are ready. Well Driving lessons are preety expensive, you wanna make it cheapest and short time. İt won’t work… everything costs soemthing.. so Relax and forget about the Money you pay in each lesson. The drive technics and your skills keep you perhaps No Accident Driver so it will bring you more benefits when you pay your insurance to ur own car… it will pay u back with Money and less headache…

16a ) i came from a country nearly no bicycles around and no roundabouts. the traffic was so different.  and priorities were different.  so what i did is i watched my partner how she drives. how she react for sirtulations. it teachs you a lot .  this is kind of less cost way that you can learn dutch cbr idea. 

 17 )  Other people's experiences... i checked some youtube posts , So many like us struggled to find and understand the Dutch Cbr So mostly  the motivation was if he  or she can do it  so i can do it too !!! 

Credits goes to :Jovie's Home 

Credits goes to  : Joyce Sando

Enough driving skills  it brings confidence. and Rememberi it is not end of the world if you can't pass the exam. perhaps a stupid lorry makes a mistake or  a bicyle pass you missed and your examinator brake for u and you already think u failed and it will effect your all exam ...  So you do it in other exam, that will unfortunately cost you little more time and  payment but at least next time u dont do the same fault... 

18 ) you are in  a Auto and everyone sees you are candidate so all Drivers ( instead of Bicyle riders ) will l help you in many special maneuvres and things. so take a chill pill !!! rustig aan and enjoy this, when you take ur licence it will reduced perhaps.. so enjoy this opportunity.

The Zelfreflectie kandidaat Form !  the form u fill before exam…

 here that form means nothing !!!  the reality is your exam. And this Exam is all about the Safety !

1 You have the control of the car

2 Safety !!!  keep distance and observe what can happen on the road..

3 Flow ! the traffic most flow.. your car Flows with it

4 Social Drive : You consider other  Traffic users as pedestrians, Bicycle riders, old people ,  kids … Perhaps you drive in the city 50km and a zebrapad but it is controlled with traffic light even the traffic light is green for you that you may let the old pedestrian with a rollator or a blind pedestrian with stick in hand to proceed his cross… Examinator will love your drive !!  you have got a bonus there !
An another social drive is inside of the city there are bicycle riders  so do not disturb them on the road. Make sure you have enough room on the road for not disturbing or scare them and you must learn to overtake this bicyle riders that you check inside mirror and you see these and you go back your lane…

Thank you for your taking time and reading my post.

Notes : i hold a turkish Driving licence and so many years  i did not drive any wehicle…

 i took my MVV card to exam , Passport did not needed.  and the forms i printed u  may download on Cbr website  or u can ask this your instructor.

i could also make youtube video but i find to writing an Article more usefull than video  cos in a video you will jump from a subject to subject and perhaps in 10 mins video you will receive a few tips or things u already knew... so no waste of time ! 

well , Could be  beter i had no driving licence at all, Forget all about my country and learn n study Holland Rules…  Theory exam was in English ( 3rd time passed ) and i appreciate my dutch instructor  ( Gerald ) for his patience on me  and all helps..

Extra tips : Last 3 months i  watched youtube videos  on Streetwize TV  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJvLsoOxiWA&t=132s  ( Sebastian ) and VErkeerschool Weber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raP1O0lauMY  ( Merlin ) and such videos.. Appreciate their posts as well. As a Foreigner i had questions on my mind so i find some answers on these videos.. i can also speak enough Dutch to understand videos on youtube which is mostly filmed in dutch...

If you still reading this post so you seriously want to maket his Practical Exam. Wish you all  success and many many kilometres..

I will receive my Driving Licence next monday March 9th.  i applied it in same day  in our Gemeente Huis, 40,50 euro and a photo ( same as the phot on MVV card ( mine was 16 months old  photo no big  issue old or so new...  book an appointment in you own City Hall ( Gemeentehuis ) , easy and simple.

I will start  to drive in industry zones where is not much traffic and Bicyle riders ( Fietsers ) cos of my Driving car was a  new Technology VW and now i will drive a little japanese 9 year old auto perhaps to train the car and receive and analyze the  car's reactions and make more confidence...

Edit 2 : i receieved a text two and half days later from the City Hallthat  where i am registered.  it took only 3 working days and i did not even paid extra for it. Normally you have to pay extra charge to receive yur driving licence in a few days. So it was a bonus for me so i drove our car since weekend. Happy days.

All the best !

